News 23.05.2023

Małgorzata Malwina Niespodziewana: exhibition

Every time you touch, try to think about how the drop overlaps. Exhibition opening on 23 May at 14:00, Galeria 302, Koszarowa 19. Curated by Marta Pogorzelec.

The exhibition title is a sentence from a random post in Japanese, translated into Polish by an app. The artist was thrilled by the poetic flair of the translation but also by the fact that interpreting the sentence brings her close to the topics she deals with in her art. The exhibition is about teardrops. About intropathy. Sympathy. Stills from mourning, the experience of shedding tears together.

The works refer to the latest world events: the war in Ukraine, the situation of women in many countries, the loss of family community… This title/message says that when you touch someone else’s tears, their teardrops mingle with yours.

dr hab. Małgorzata Malwina Niespodziewana: graphic artist, draftswoman, author of drawings, objects, installations and videoart, researcher, graduate of the Faculty of Graphic Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. Associate professor in Kraków.

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