News 01.07.2023

Original prints on a popular brand’s clothing

Olamaloú, or Ola Kwiecińska, graduate of AFAD Katowice (Printmaking), desings for Medicine and

Ola Kwiecińska is known as Olamaloú. The artist graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice, majoring in Printmaking. She defended her stage design diploma under the supervision of Katarzyna Sobańska and Marcel Sławiński.

She paints pictures full of intense patterns and colours. Recently, you can see them not only in galleries and private collections. They have also adorned clothes for people and accessories for pets.

‘I am an enthusiast of combining fashion and art. I am glad that thanks to this synergy, there is more colour on the streets, and art is becoming more widely available. I want these worlds to intertwine, images to influence the reality that surrounds them, and that is what I planned when I started working with Medicine - I wanted this collection to work in the same way. Let personal relationships develop between these clothes and the people who wear them. Let these clothes speak for you, how you want to feel on a given day, and let them always be on your side. Let them bring colour to your day and let their art add something to the way you feel,’ we read in WhiteMad.


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