News 14.06.2023

Synergy Effect

Design hackathon for the good organized by AFAD Katowice and Edisonda.

During the June hackathon, students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice and experts from Edisonda will work on solutions that will facilitate the experience of helping.

What does it mean?

We want to level the playing field for helping institutions to reach volunteers and donors, to show that each of us can help in many different ways every day. People who want to help often do not know about the possibilities and about the wide range of volunteer activities they have in front of them.

Synergy Effect Project

"The Synergy Effect" is a charity initiative of EDISONDA Business Design & Innovation and the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice, whose ambition is to create a space for close cooperation between the worlds of design, science and business. Using the synergy of experience and capabilities of experts from Edisonda and students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice, the project will seek solutions to important and difficult topics that will translate into implementable concepts and then full-size products and services.

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