News 12.04.2023

Szaber: ‘The twilight of impunity’

'What if adulthood is a trap?,’ ask the artists from the Szaber collective.

Their visual answers will be presented at ‘The twilight of impunity’ exhibition.’ However, will they actually be answers? or emerging new questions? On the one hand, the young Szaber artists’ first out-of-Krakow exposition will be a coming-of-age presentation of their doubts in the time of youth and transformation, and on the other hand it will constitute a brave declaration: Yes, I am ready to enter the art world, in spite of the unfavourable conditions and the tumultuous reality around me.

Galeria + Rondo, gen. Ziętka 1 in Katowice
Wolno ul. Kochanowskiego 14
LOKAL BAKERY (1: ul Misjonarzy Oblatów NMP 29, 2: ul. Armii Krajowej 67)


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