News 09.12.2023

TENDER ORGANISMS at the Silesian Festival of Science

Time Based Media Studio | AFAD Katowice Chair of New Media in the International Congress Centre in Katowice

The exhibition touches on contemporary ways of creating reality using the latest interactive technologies, VR, AI and bio-art. Reality, through its dynamism, multi-standedness and proregress (condensations of progress and regression according to e.e. cummings), surprises not only scientists, but also young creators, artists, musicians and designers who, when using new technologies, very often go beyond the predictable forms of the works they create.
Curators: Ksawery Kaliski, Piotr Ceglarek

Weronika Król | Clusia plant controller – interactive installation
Jakub Stelmach | TRANSCRIPT – multimedia installation
Bartosz Siejak | Inside Outside/360 degrees - A.I. animation
Zuzanna Adamska + Igor Warykiewicz | Colatz organism – interactive installation

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