News 14.07.2023

Design in the field! Inclusive cultural institutions – what are they?

During the five-day participatory design workshops planned for autumn, students joined by experts and representatives of cultural institutions will work with residents on inclusive cultural spaces.

The Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice, thanks to the support of GZM Metropolis, invites cultural institutions to apply to take part in the project titled Design in the field! Inclusive cultural institutions – what are they?

Why participate in the project?

Using the good practices developed by the Academy in the realisation of social projects and the experience of the international expert Gregor Strutz from in implementing inclusive solutions for European cultural institutions, we will carry out a design process focusing on:
– diagnosis of the needs and potential of a selected public cultural institution,
– current and potential recipients of the services, including people with special needs,
– proposing recommendations, concepts, interventions defining new directions of development.

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