Portfolio and exam advice

Want free advice on your works and the interview? Sign up for an online meeting.

Write to:

konsultacje.pg2@asp.katowice.pl for Designing Reading Experience and Multimedia Narratives
konsultacje.w2@asp.katowice.pl for Inclusive Design: Health and Social Well-being


Designing Reading Experience and Multimedia Narratives:
30 April 15:00-17:00
7 May 15:00-17:00
9 May 15:00-17:00
14 May 15:00-17:00
16 May 15:00-17:00
21 May 15:00-17:00

Inclusive Design: Health and Social Well-being:
25 April 15:00-17:00
7 May 15:00-17:00
14 May 15:00-17:00
21 May 15:00-17:00

What is the exam and portfolio advice meeting?
The aim is to help our candidates prepare for the entrance exam as best as possible. You will be able to talk to a lecturer about your design interests and how they can be developed during your studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice. You can discuss important issues related to the admission process, such as the content of your presentation or the evaluation criteria. This meeting is not only for you to get informed but above all to discuss your potential and development opportunities.

How can I best benefit from the advice meeting?
Just prepare for it :)

How do I prepare for the meeting?
First of all, you need to know why you want to meet, what you need to know. Make a list of your questions. It will be helpful mainly for you because it will help you sort out the issues that bother you and clear up your doubts. This way you will make good use of your time and make the most of the meeting.

Prepare and send us your portfolio. It is definitely better to talk about projects while looking at them (they say a picture is worth more than a thousand words). Remember also that what we are most interested in is not the final result but the design process, your way of thinking, your approach to the problem and the development path you have proposed. Feel free to show us your sketches and unfinished projects, share your ideas with us.

Check the information below  to help you prepare the technical aspect of the files you would like to show us.
How to prepare a portfolio

Presentation of your works: where to start?
Choose the projects you want to show us.
Do not send us everything you have done so far. Show us a few of your major works.
What works to put in the portfolio?
You can include a broad range, from individual works to complex projects, from design assumptions to the final solution. The process is of as much interest as the final result to us.
How many works/projects should I present?
Up to 20 slides; these can be single projects as well as series of works and complex solutions. If you want to present a team project, make sure you specify what your contribution was.
PDF or online portfolio?
It is best to prepare one PDF file containing all the works. This way, you control the narrative and we look at your projects in the order you have intended. The portfolio can be prepared in one of the many available presentation programs. Remember to save or export this file to PDF at the end.
NOTE: do not put too many works on one page and remember to compose the portfolio page horizontally. Think about the layout of the pages and the order of the presentation, e.g. the process followed by the final version of the project. Labelling the works is a good idea.

If you already have your website or an online portfolio (e.g. on FB or Behance), you may simply send us a link – it will be enough for the exam and portfolio advice meeting, but the order in which we will see your works may be different than you intended. If you want to control it, plan a narrative or prepare a PDF.

Should I present my Bachelor's degree project?
Yes, absolutely, we are much interested in your previous experience.

How to show animations and videos?
Put the video on Youtube or Vimeo and paste the link in the pdf file.
Portfolio ready? Contact the coordinator:
konsultacje.pg2@asp.katowice.pl for Designing Reading Experience and Multimedia Narratives
konsultacje.w2@asp.katowice.pl for Inclusive Design: Health and Social Well-being
See you soon!

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