2022 WELL-BEING open call
Invitation to participate in a curatorial competition. Until 30 May 2022 we are accepting proposals for exhibitions in the theme of WELLBEING (DOBROSTAN). The prize in the competition is the opportunity to have your own curatorial exhibition hosted at the Rondo Sztuki Gallery.
Can art be good or bad? Leaving aside questions of technique, talent, proficiency in evoking hot topics or news, the question is about the 'good nature' of art. That is, art that does good. The kind of art that makes you say: 'you're good to me, I wish we could spend more time together!'. We think about things and gestures that make us feel stable, closer to the earth, safer with ourselves and with other humans as well as non-humans.
The open call is for:
● individual curators, curatorial and artistic collectives (formal and informal groups)
What we offer:
● a chance to organise an exhibition according to your original curatorial concept in the Rondo Sztuki Gallery in Katowice
● production budget of PLN 30 000
How to apply:
- application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWeLUHH4BmISQXFcTaQe91zy7kru8BdUlnn-Ou_gM4M8rM7g/viewform?usp=sf_link
- competition rules and other competition documents can be found in the attachment
Deadline for submitting applications:
● 30 May 2022.
The organiser:
● Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice
● Rondo Sztuki
tel. 32 7587788 (office)
tel. 664127432 (manager Adrian Chorębała)