On May 31, 2023, we invite all fans of illustrated books for children to Katowice!
At the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice, we will meet during the conference "A Book for Children – how it is done?", and at the Rondo Sztuki Gallery, we will open two exhibitions: an exhibition of popular science books for children – "Science is fun" and a post-competition exhibition, during which we will officially announce the winners of the competition.
“A Book for Children – how is it done?”
Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice, ul. Raciborska 37
Open Space Hall, 10:00–13:30
Attention! The conference is in Polish. The lectures will be recorded, translated into English and will be published later on ASP's YT channel. We will inform you about the publication date.
The detailed program can be found HERE.
Due to the limited number of places, please register at the following link: https://asp.katowice.pl/formularze/ksiazka-dla-dzieci
Krystyna Lipka-Sztarbałło – chairman of the jury
Magdalena Kłos-Podsiadło
Ewa Kokot
Gosia Herba
Zofia Oslislo-Piekarska
Read more about jury HERE.
After viewing 260 submissions, it classified 66 works for the exhibition.
The list of qualified works can be found HERE.
Awards were also given by:
Children's jury, under the supervision of Ewa Kokot: Basia Kulawiak, Wiktor Kulawiak, Marianna Pantak, Malwina Malcharek, Aleksandra Kulawiak, Jan van Schagen, Kalina Kocur
and publishers:
Debit Publishing House, Muchomor Publishing House, Wytwórnia Publishing House, Znak Emotikon Publishing House,
Main prizes winners:
1st prize | 10 000 pln
Anina Mengerová, Czech Republic
University: Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague
Title: Jarní pahorek a další malé výlety
2nd prize | 5 000 pln
Paulina Strojniak, Poland
University: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie
Title: Czerwona łata
3rd prize | 3 000 pln
Serafima Kosikava, Czech Republic
University: Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art University of West Bohemia
Title: Pop-up ocean alphabet
The list of all awards and honourable mentions is HERE.
CONGRATULATIONS and we invite you to the exhibitions!
Opening: May 31, 2023
Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice – Rondo Sztuki
Gen. Jerzy Ziętka 1, Katowice
free admission
4:00 p.m
A well-designed book – let's start with children
opening of the post-competition exhibition and award ceremony
Galeria +
5:17 p.m
Science is fun
opening of an exhibition of illustrations and popular science books for children
Gallery 0
More about 8th edition A well-designed book – let’s start with children can be found HERE.