News 22.06.2022

Agata Szymanek / Pools and mirrors

City walk and workshop

The walk is part of Agata Szymanek’s “Pools and mirrors” project presented at the “Utopias / Dystopias. The future of the city” exhibition (24 June – 27 July 2022).
Source Victoria is an imposing structure described in Neal Stephenson’s novel “The Diamond Age;” it collects polluted water and air, then filters the water through a system of cascading walls and tanks, and the air through a complex system of tubes and channels, to accumulate perfectly pure water and nitrogen particles at the end. This vision is the main inspiration of the project that evokes reflection on the process of substance purification and improvement. During the city walk and workshop, we will discover the architecture of the imaginary water treatment plant that could encompass the space of the entire city.

2 July (Saturday), 12:00 noon
Starting place: Rondo Sztuki Gallery, Rondo im. Jerzego Ziętka 1, Katowice/ WUF11 strefa Miasto360
Walk time: about 1.5 hours
The workshop will be in Polish and English.

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