News 08.05.2020

Crisis gardening

Less-waste art & gardening workshop. Be a creative gardener!

Why crisis gardening?
1.    such are the times we live in,
2.    we will be planting leftovers from the fridge,
3.    gardening activities do not always lead to success; they often end in failure and crisis.

PAWEŁ SZEIBEL: The participants will create their alternative gardens; during the first part we will make a plant pot, or we can even plant potatoes in a bag of soil. I will show you that we do not always need soil, we can sow seeds on cellulose wadding or on waste paper. I draw inspiration from American cooking TV stars such as Julia Child. I will probably have some ready solutions and semiproducts prepared.

I like to join gardening and art. Experiment and observational skills are important in both. During the workshop I would like to encourage you to start an alternative vegetable garden at home, using only the materials we can find in our immediate surroundings.

If you do not have any seeds, do not worry; we can plant sprouting vegetables from the back of the fridge. If you do not have access to garden soil, do not worry; I will tell you about alternative bases and hydroponics. If you do not have any plant pots, do not worry; we can use packaging waste.


Paweł Szeibel

  • PhD
  • Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Art
  • PhD
  • Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Art

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