News 30.05.2023


Come to the first end-of-the-year “Culmination” academic party, which is going to be a recurring event.

This year, the event will be special because it involves the official good-bye for retiring professors: prof. Ewa Zawadzka, prof. Jan Szmatloch, prof. Adam Romaniuk and prof. Mariusz Pałka.

The event starts at 17:00 on 14 June 2023 in room 105 at 19 Koszarowa st.
The programme includes karaoke with the professors, their lives shown in photographs, and other surprises.

See you there!

“Koszary grafiki” student research association
Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice, prof. Grzegorz Hańderek


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