News 21.08.2022

Design challenges

Presentation of the works of AFAD Katowice students at Zamek Cieszyn.

The exhibition presents works by 2nd- and 3rd-year students of Design at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice, participants of classes at the Public Space Design studio taught by dr hab. Andrzej Klisz and mgr inż. arch. Bartłomiej Nawrocki. During the classes, students conduct analyses and comparisons, draw conclusions and plan the design process, finally producing visualisations and models.

Viewing point

The task was to examine the notion of a viewing point. The aim was to adopt a creative attitude to the viewing point location, as well as to understand its context: the physical surroundings. The functionality of the proposed solution was deemed equally important. The task also encouraged designing simple functionalities or additional activities that could support using the viewing point.

projekt arting competition

The competition called for design solutions which improve the functioning of humans and their environment in compliance with the rules of sustainable development and energy conservation. The participants had four categories to choose from:

Bielsko-Biała: region-related design
Technology: sustainable objects and processes
Environment: environment-friendly design
The challenge was to develop solutions for specific problems submitted by companies and institutions from the Bielsko-Biała region.

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