News 27.01.2021

Good Innovations: 4x PLN50,000 for AFA Katowice designers

Four designers connected with AFA Katowice received grants in the Good Innovations programme

100 ideas competed for grants in the first edition of the programme. The jury decided to grant funding to 20 projects, which include 4 designers from AFA Katowice.

Bogdan Kosak, assistant teacher in the Sculpture studio: “Ceramics Studio revalidation guide”
Dagmara Szmal, second-cycle student: “PLUSK – portable shower set”
Marcin Sobik, first-cycle student: “Materials supporting the communication of medical staff with Deaf patients”
Magdalena Michna-Czyrwik, Design graduate: “Ynta hydrotherapy station.”

The second call for proposals is open by 18 April.

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