News 19.10.2022

Imaginary unit: original projects realised at the Book Art Studion of AFAD Katowice.

What does the death of a moth have in common with the extinction of the giant deer? The mysterious village of Żytno with Antarctica? How many days in an average lifetime do we spend lying down unproductively?

How many lands form the town of Ruda Śląska? How many texts of culture fit into a chamber pot? You may find out while visiting the “Imaginary Unit” exhibition, displayed at the PKZ Gallery from 21 to 29 October during the Oblicza Festival.

The exhibition presents the works by seven authors, realised at the Book Art Studio headed by Bogna Otto-Węgrzyn during their studies at the Faculty of Art of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice. The works include original books by Lena Achtelik, Dagmara Cieślica, Martyna Gaszczyk-Nowok, Magdalena Kuczko, Gabriela Palicka, Aleksandra Szlęk, Bartosz Zaskórski.

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