Katowice Graphic Art Month in Lublin
The Chair of Graphic Art of the AFA Katowice, Faculty of Art of the Marie Curie-Skłodowska University and Galeria Po 111 Schodach in Lublin invite visitors to the opening of the exhibition of works by students of the AFA Katowice, in the framework of the Katowice Graphic Art Month. The opening will take place in the Galeria Po 111 Schodach, MDK2 ul. Bernardyńska 14a, Lublin, on 4 April at 13:00.
The Chair of Graphic Design at the Faculty of Art of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice is composed of a number of original art studios, including classical printmaking workshops using planography, intaglio and relief printing techniques, as well as serigraphy and digital printing studios. Other studios include painting and drawing, and the design-oriented Book Art Studio. First- and second-year students learn the techniques during introduction to graphic art and in the third year they choose their diploma studio (specialization), which involves selecting their technique and supervisor. Each of the chair’s studios – printmaking-, painting- and design-oriented – provides suitable facili-ties and equipment to allow the students to develop their talent and execute their creative freedom. Classes in the studios are taught by excellent artists and experienced teachers. The students are presented with a wide range of possible activities in the scope of broadly understood print.