News 05.12.2022

Mohammadali Sharifian Dorcheh among winners of Graduation Projects

215 diploma projects were submitted to the 21st edition of the review, including 125 2D and 90 3D projects.

The jury of the international review of best diploma projects from Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary has selected 29 winners who will present their Master’s and Bachelor’s diploma project at an exhibition in Zamek Cieszyn in spring 2023.

215 works in total were submitted to this year’s edition of the review, 125 of which were qualified into the 2D category and 90 into the 3D category. The best projects were selected by a jury of professionals: Agata Korzeńska, Balázs Balogh, Czesława Frejlich, Ferenc Laufer, Filip Tofil, Filip Blažek, Huy Pham, Magdalena Chorąży-Suchy, Marcel Bencik and Marián Laššák.

One of the winners is Mohammadali Sharifian Dorcheh. His project titled ‘Make it sustainable’ was supervised by prof. Tomasz Bierkowski.

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