News 01.02.2021

Student Print Biennial, Poznań 2021

Two awards and seven artists in the post-competition exhibition

leksandra Rajnisz-Podlaska has won the Special Award of the Rector of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław for Sterylność, 3 works, each 70x100 cm, serigraphy.

Marcin Zonenberg has received the Special Award of the Dean of the Faculty of Graphic Art of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków for Falowiec_Nie-miejsce_120x359cm, digital print; Falowiec_Nie-miejsce_100x70cm, digital print.

In addition, the following artists had their works qualified for the post-competition exhibition: Dorota Damek, Katarzyna Olejarczyk, Igor Warykiewicz, Paulina Wojciechowska, Daria Wollman.

The exhibition is available at the Arsenal Municipal Gallery until 28 March.

The Student Print Biennial is a competition ending with an exhibition, open for students of art universities and institutes, organised by the Department of Graphic Arts of the University of the Arts Poznań in cooperation with the Arsenal Municipal Gallery. 46 works out of the 1000 submitted were qualified for this year’s edition and they will be presented at the post-competition exhibition.

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