News 01.09.2019

Students-designed rest zone

In cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, the Lech company has organized a competition for the benefit of the users of the youth community centre run by Fundacja Gniazdo in Katowice.

The objective of the competition organized by the AFA and Lech was to promote creative solutions in the use of textiles in public spaces and innovation in textile design.
The students have created an unusual design of a rest zone for the youth community centre of the Fundacja Gniazo foundation in Katowice. The room designed by the students provides the children with spaces for reading, studying, resting, therapy sessions and meetings with the counsellors.
The idea of the design is to use interesting places in Silesia in order to show its history, build indentity and foster imagination. The youth centre was equipped with a map and cushions which present the places marked on the map. One side of the cushion shows an illustration, while the other presents information on the place.
The Lech Fabrics company has sponsored awards for the students (a trip to the design fair in Milan) and the implementation of the winning solution.

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