News 30.11.2022

The Worst Exhibition I Have Ever Seen

The individuals portrayed spit, blow their noses and inform on each other.

In a postcard-like picture the Baltic seagulls look down on the police, and the familiar Polish duck proudly wears a counterfeit baseball cap. Someone swears quietly in the corner, and a gang of hooligans enjoys a mid-term break from the Community College of Noise-Making. You can lose track of time here, each hour may turn out to be your last. Even love is toxic at The Worst Exhibition I Have Ever Seen.

The works, inspired by finds from reality, comprise a multi-element and peculiar collection. Although the world presented seems ugly, hostile even, it does have a certain sense of humour and can be likeable.

Mateusz Rafalski: born in 1989, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice in 2015 in Printmaking. Teacher in the Serigraphy Studio of the Institute of Graphic Art and Design, Pedagogical University of Krakow. He focuses mainly of printmaking, drawing and painting.

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