The Studio Program gives students the opportunity to use already familiar areas in the field of the arts such as drawing, painting, sculpture, design or graphics, as well as developing knowledge about animation and photography. Expanding them based on new experiences in architectural and spatial design, elements of theatre knowledge, the construction of a scene or the role of light in shaping an image. In the case of the film, the skill of plastic composition of the frame, principles of preparation of the scenography plan in the work with the camera. Through the implementation of exercises and lectures based on theatrical and operatic scenes and on the set, we strive to develop creative and active participation as designers in the profession. We approach each student individually and participate in the development process according to the predisposition and the skills already acquired, and we also try to make the students cooperate so that they can contact the stage designer professionally. This has already been confirmed in the realizations with the students of the Faculty of Directing and Production at the Faculty of Radio and Television of the UAS in the set design for the film etudes. Students undertake theatrical performance in the diploma show, and also assist and cooperate with the young creators, which is extremely unusual for us. Development also includes meetings with masters and professionals in theatre and filmmaking competitions that help students learn and enjoy the profession.